Rave Master (known as Groove Adventure RAVE in Japan), is a manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. The manga was serialized in Shonen Magazine from July 1999 through July 2005, and published in thirty-five tankobon by Kodansha. The manga series was licensed for an English release in North America by Tokyopop until Kodansha allowed their contract to expire. Del Rey Manga announced on September 26, 2009, at their New York Anime Festival panel, that it had acquired the rights to Rave Master with a release date in September 2010.
Genre: | RPG |
Release Month: | 12 |
Release Year: | 2002 |
Developer: | Winkysoft |
Publisher: | Konami |
Serial: | SLPM-87288 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |